Our mission is to impact the development of the youth in our community in providing the highest level of quality soccer to players of all ages enhancing their emotional, social and physical health in a safe and positive environment by creating a passion and love for the game through a competitive, challenging, and professional atmosphere to reach their maximum potential. 


Lobos F.C. creates an environment in which our players will develop both love and passion for the game of soccer that will last throughout their lifetime. In order to reach this goal, we developed a foundation where we teach and emphasize an attractive, creative, attacking, and possession play style, backed by strong technical skills. By adopting such a style of play, we aim to reduce or eliminate the fear of failure in such a way that our players can be creative and express themselves without the fear of making mistakes. We believe that an environment where there are no limitations will allow players to realize their potential and provide the most growth both as players and people. 


  • Work Ethic - Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard. 
  • Commitment - Be there in body, mind and spirit.
  • Respect - Each player must always respect opponents, officials, teammates and oneself. 
  • Responsibility - Is the way we show work ethic, commitment and respect. 
  • Excellence - Being exceptionally good in every action and representation of oneself on and off the field.


© 2019 Lobos FC,  1600 E Francisquito Ave, West Covina, CA 91791
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